Unaverage Musings

Comments on life and ideas, personal anecdotes, books read, television shows watched and perhaps the occasional political or social issue rant.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Adventures with carrots

I love carrots, typically eating at least one every day. So, naturally, I want to feed them to my baby daughter Millie Anne. I bought an extra pound of raw carrots at the grocery and yesterday I decided to take on turning them into baby food. Simple task, right? All I had to do was peel and cut the carrots, put them in my steamer, steam for 20 minutes, whirl in the food processor and serve...or so I thought. After my timer buzzed, just as I finished giving Millie her lunchtime cereal (perfect timing, right?), I tried to food process the carrots to give Millie for her lunch. All I got was chopped carrots, I even tried adding some water. Oh, well. They just needed to steam longer. So, I gave Millie some pumpkin and moved on with the day. About 20 minutes later, I tried again. Same result, chopped carrot but not baby mashed consistency. I steamed the carrots for another HOUR before I pulled out the blender and blended the bejesus out of them. After getting what I thought was the right consistency, I fed some to Millie Anne. She made a face and began to choke...still little bits of chopped carrot hidden in the mash. CRaP Crap...double vomitous crap... I had to switch Millie to pumpkin yet again. By this time I was seething, cursing the stinking orange mess in the blender that was supposed to be easy baby food (or nearly so). Gerber sounded like a wonderful option and much better than slaving all day over some carrots! When I saw my husband later that day I begged to get Gerber carrots rather than go through the mess I had gone through. Mercifully he agreed. Sometimes doing it yourself just is not worth the hassle. Hopefully carrots are the exception when it comes to cooking down veggies for baby food.


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