Unaverage Musings

Comments on life and ideas, personal anecdotes, books read, television shows watched and perhaps the occasional political or social issue rant.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Self-feeding Boot Camp Day 2

Today got off to a great start. Millie Anne seemed really excited to be more independent. I think my enthusiasm for her being a big girl now is helping. She is definitely in the almost two phase. We've hit the terrible two's big time, fighting off temper tantrums off and on all day. I guess that's par for the course. With God's help we will conquer this hurdle too. Here's the feeding report:
I decided to go easy on Millie today. She ate toast and half of a banana along with her milk. She did very well and only balked a little bit about finishing her toast. She really likes banana! I've found that Millie is only difficult about eating something when there is something she likes better available. It's not that she doesn't like what she's being told to eat, it's that she likes one of the other things on the menu better. Breakfast was completed in under half an hour, with only one stealth piece of toast found under Millie Anne's bottom...and yes, I did make her eat it.
This was definitely the toughest meal of the day, with Impossible Cheeseburger Pie, fried cabbage, and yellow squash on the menu. The first thing Millie discovered was that the Impossible Cheeseburger Pie was too hot to pick up with her fingers. Next she realized she'd be much better off using the fork than her fingers, but the fork frustrated her. She seemed to really want to use the fork, but found she couldn't manage it very well. Royce and I each took a turn holding the fork with her and guiding her hand through the process of both scooping and stabbing the food she wanted to eat. She did really well. She even made several attempts to do both scooping and stabbing with the fork herself. She has the right idea, just not the dexterity or force needed for success. I am very encouraged that she is voluntarily picking up the fork and attempting to feed herself with it. Her skills at handling it are improving.
This meal was pretty easy, with macaroni and cheese, lettuce and half a banana on the menu. It was completed in 40 minutes, with seconds on the lettuce. She used her fingers for most of the meal, but did work with me on the fork and attempted to use the fork independently.
That's all for now!


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