Unaverage Musings

Comments on life and ideas, personal anecdotes, books read, television shows watched and perhaps the occasional political or social issue rant.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Peanut butter and cheese ... Man oh man!

I met a new friend recently, Stacy, who lives down the street from me in our complex. She has a daughter about 9 months younger than Millie named Tia. We have been getting to know one another and watching our kids play together. Over the last week or so that I have know her, I have been reminded to enjoy Millie. It was a needed reminder, as I had become far to serious and intent on teaching my daughter to use the potty and to obey without whining. We had the girls playing with dolls, a toy kitchen, bubbles, the sandbox, and a wading pool. Stacy told me about the crafts and activities she was doing with Tia and I was reminded of how much fun a toddler can be.

Some Millie-isms from this week are especially funny. I'm not sure where she picked up this phrase but, one day this week as I was taking her to the potty she said, "Man oh, Man!" The inflection was hilarious! She has been saying it a lot this week, not just for potty time. It just cracks me up to hear her. :-) Today when I asked her what she wanted for lunch, peanut butter sandwich or cheese tostada, she said "Peanut butter cheese!" So I thought, "Why not? A Peanut butter and cheese sandwich actually sounds pretty good." She devoured it! I think I may try one some day soon. :-)

We all joined the Summer Reading program at the library today, and I am really excited about biting into some juicy books! Millie will get a free book and some coupons. Royce and I will enter a drawing for a gas card and an i-pod. Let the reading begin!


  • At 10:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I like peanut butter on cheez its, so I suppose there is a good chance I would like peanut butter and cheese.

    Mom and Gramma

  • At 7:56 PM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Man oh Man, does a peanut butter and cheese sandwhich sound good!!! What a cute story!
    As for the "Man oh Man" that sounds like a phrase you would say! LOL

    Love you all,
    Aunt Heather


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