Tales from the teething ward...
Teething...that period of parental insanity that seems to never end (at least during the phase where there are no teeth showing yet). I am discovering just how much of a control freak I am by going through this first year of motherhood. I want to make things happen "when they are supposed to", like teeth, rolling over, drinking from a cup, crawling, etc. However I keep bumping my head up against the fact that people are the ultimate variable. There is a typical time for things to happen, but never a definite time when things happen. Each person is unique in more and more ways, if my experience with Millie Anne is any indication. I find myself grinding my teeth and talking through clenched jaws because I cannot make Millie's teething pain go away nor can I make her teeth come through. It seems like she has been "teething" for nearly 7 months now. Perhaps it's been just baby fussies not teething per se, but I hate the "all show and no go". Any ideas on how I can relax and just wait for Millie's right time to have teeth(crawl, use a cup, etc.)? It's really stupid to get all worked up trying to control things that I cannot control. How does one deprogram a control freak? I think I have reached a new level of insanity... I have been admitted to the teething ward.